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Packing List
Mentioned on this page:

Tombs and Monuments:
G 4940, G 5020, G 5110, G 5221, G 5230, G 5232, G 5330
On this page the tomb listed in item 1 reads G 5230. On this page the tomb listed in item 2 reads G 5230. 14-11206 (from G 5230) is incorrectly attributed to G 5110. 14-12-58a-d (from G 5412) are incorrectly attributed to G 5110. 14-12-63 (from G 5411) is incorrectly attributed to G 5110. 14-12-71 and 14-12-72 (from G 5223) are incorrectly attributed to G 5110. 14-11-69 originates from G 5230. 14-11-101 originates from G 5110. 15-1-1 to 7 originate from G 4940. On this page object 15-1-5 is mentioned twice: in item 10 and item 12.
Field or ID Number: PL1502