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Eastern Cemetery: G 7530-7540
Alternate Reisner No: G 7530-7540: G 7530
Alternate Reisner No: G 7530-7540: G 7540
Correct Double Mastaba No: G 7530
Correct Double Mastaba No: G 7540
: G 7530sub
Alternate Reisner No: G 7530-7540: G 7540
Correct Double Mastaba No: G 7530
Correct Double Mastaba No: G 7540
: G 7530sub
Stone-built mastaba
PorterMoss Date: Khufu to Shepseskaf
Attested: Niuserreankh (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Ka[...] (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Khemetnu-nedjes (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Kawab (G 7110-7120)
Excavator: George Andrew Reisner
American, 1867–1942
Attested: Khemetnu (G 5210)
Attested: Duaenre (G 5110)
Attested: Inkaf (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Rery (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Rehay (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Ptahshepses (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Hetepheres II (G 7110-7120)
Attested: Katjesu (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Nebemakhet (G 8172 and Lepsius 12)
Attested: Nykauptah (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Khenterka (in G 7530-7540)
Tomb Owner: Meresankh III (G 7530-7540)
Attested: Ka[...] (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Khemetnu-nedjes (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Kawab (G 7110-7120)
Excavator: George Andrew Reisner
American, 1867–1942
Attested: Khemetnu (G 5210)
Attested: Duaenre (G 5110)
Attested: Inkaf (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Rery (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Rehay (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Ptahshepses (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Hetepheres II (G 7110-7120)
Attested: Katjesu (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Nebemakhet (G 8172 and Lepsius 12)
Attested: Nykauptah (in G 7530-7540)
Attested: Khenterka (in G 7530-7540)
Tomb Owner: Meresankh III (G 7530-7540)
Shafts: G 7530 A; G 7530 X; G 7530 Z; G 7540 Q; G 7540 R; G 7540 S; G 7540 T; G 7540 U; G 7540 V; G 7540 W; G 7540 X; G 7540 Y
Selected bibliographical references:
Alexanian, Nicole. "Tomb and Social Status. The Textual Evidence." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 6-7.
Arnold, Dieter. "Old Kingdom Statues in their Architectural Setting." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 47-48, fig. 26.
Baud, Michel. "The Tombs of Khamerernebty I and II at Giza." Göttinger Miszellen 164 (1998), pp. 10, 13.
Baud, Michel. "La tombe de la reine-mère xa-mrr-Nbtj Ire." Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 95 (1995), p. 13.
Bolshakov, Andrey. "Osiris in the Fourth Dynasty Again? The False Door of Jntj, MFA 31.781." In Hedvig Györy, ed. Mélanges offerts à Edith Varga. Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts Supplément-2001, Budapest: Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts, 2001, p. 76, note 90.
Bothmer, Bernard V. Egypt 1950: My First Visit. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2003, p. 137.
Brovarski, Edward. "A Unique Funerary Monument of Old Kingdom Date in the Egyptian Museum." In Mamdouh Eldamaty and Mai Trad, eds. Egyptian Museum Collections around the World. Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2002, p. 188, note 37.
Brovarski, Edward. "Old Kingdom Beaded Collars." In Jacke Phillips with Lanny Bell, Bruce B. Williams, James Hoch and Ronald J. Leprohon (eds.) Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Near East. Studies in Honour of Martha Rhoads Bell, Volume 1. San Antonio: Van Siclen Books, 1997, pp. 144, 163.
Callender, Vivienne Gae. "The Iconography of the Princess in the Old Kingdom." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 122-125.
Callender, Vivienne G. and Peter Jánosi. "The Tomb of Queen Khamerernebty II at Giza." Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 53 (1997), pp. 8, 10, 12-13, 18-19, 21, notes 27, 47, 48, fig. 4.
Dunham, Dows. "A Statuette of Two Egyptian Queens." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 34, No. 201 (February 1936), pp. 3-5.
Dunham, Dows. "Some Notes on Ancient Egyptian Line Drawing." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37, No. 222 (August 1939), pp. 63-64, figs. 3-4.
Dunham, Dows. "An Egyptian Diadem of the Old Kingdom." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 44, No. 255 (February 1946), p. 28, fig. 11.
Dunham, Dows. The Egyptian Department and its Excavations. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1958, pp. 49-50, fig. 31.
Dunham, Dows, and William Kelly Simpson. The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III. Giza Mastabas 1. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1974.
Eaton-Krauss, Marianne. "An Offering Table Scene in the Art Institue, Chicago." Göttinger Miszellen 219 (2008), p. 20.
Eaton-Krauss, Marianne. "Pseudo-Groups." In Rainer Stadelmann and Hourig Sourouzian, eds. Kunst des Alten Reiches: Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991. Sonderschrift des Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Abteilung Kairo 28, Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1995, pp. 58, 60, n. 12.
Fay, Biri. "Royal Women as Represented in Sculpture during the Old Kingdom. Part II: Uninscribed Sculptures." In Christiane Ziegler, ed. L'art de l'ancien empire égyptien. Paris: Musée du Louvre, 1999, pp. 105-107, 128, 134-135, figs. 6, 24, 25.
Fay, Biri. "Royal Women as Represented in Sculpture dunring the Old Kingdom." In Nicolas Grimal, ed. Les Critères de Datation Stylistiques à l'Ancien Empire. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1998, pp. 162-163.
Fischer, Henry G. "A feminine example of wD Hm.k, 'thy majesty commands' in the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 61 (1975), pp. 246-247, fig. 1.
Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of Art in the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty: Iconography and Style." In Jean-Claude Goyon and Christine Cardin, eds. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists, Grenoble, 6-12 septembre 2004, vol. I. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 150. Leuven: Uitgeveru Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, 2007, pp. 723-724, 727, 729-730, 732, 734-735, fig. 1.
Flentye, Laurel. "The Mastabas of Ankh-haf (G 7510) and Akhethetep and Meretites (G 7650) in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza: A Reassessment." In Zahi Hawass and Janet Richards, eds. The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt. Essays in Honor of David B. O'Connor, Vol. I. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier no. 36. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2007, pp. 295, 298, fig. 1.
Flentye, Laurel. “The Mastaba of Meresankh III (G7530/7540) in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza: An Archaeological and Art Historical Analysis.” Bulletin of the Egyptian Museum 3 (2006), pp. 71–82, figs. 1-10.
Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 136-138.
Galvin, Marianne. "The Hereditary Status of the Titles of the Cult of Hathor." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 70 (1984), p. 45.
Holden, Lynn. "An Anubis Figure in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts." In William K. Simpson and Whitney M. Davis, eds. Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan. Essays in honor of Dows Dunham on the occasion of his 90th birthday, June 1, 1980, Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, p. 101, fig. 4.
Jánosi, Peter. "' intact burial-chamber belonging to a great lady of the Royal Family of the Fourth Dynasty' oder: Wo waren Chephrens Tochter bestattet?." In Antje Spiekermann, ed. Zur Zierde gereicht. . . Festschrift Bettina Schmitz zum 60. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 2008, HIldesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 50. Hildesheim: Verlag Gebrüder Gerstenberg, 2008, p. 131.
Jánosi, Peter. "The Tombs of Officials. Houses of Eternity." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, p. 38, notes 54, 56.
Jánosi, Peter. "Gab es Kronprinzen in der 4. Dynastie?" Göttinger Miszellen 158 (1997), p. 26, note 66.
Jánosi, Peter. "Die Grabanlagen der Konigin Hetepheres II." Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 123 (1996), pp. 46, 48, 51-52, 54-55, 59-60, 62, figs. 1, 3, 4, 6.
Jánosi, Peter. "The Queens of the Old Kingdom and their Tombs." Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 3 (1992), p. 52.
Junker, Hermann. Gîza 3. Die Mastabas der vorgeschrittenen V. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1938, pp. 46-47 [41].
Junker, Hermann. "Mutter und Sohn auf einem relief des frühen Alten Reiches." Anzeiger der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1953, Nr. 14, p. 172.
Kendall, Timothy. "An Unusual Rock-Cut Tomb at Giza." In William Kelly Simpson and Whitney M. David, eds. Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan: Essays in Honor of Dows Dunham on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday, June 1, 1980. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, p. 105, n. 1.
Lehner, Mark & Peter Lacovara. "An enigmatic object explained." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 71 (1985), p. 170, fig. 3.
Lesko, Barbara S. "Queen Khamerernebty II and Her Sculpture." In Leonard H. Lesko, ed. Ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Studies in Memory of William A. Ward, Providence: Department of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies, Brown University, 1998, pp. 157, 159.
Manuelian, Peter Der. "Excavating the Old Kingdom. The Giza Necropolis and Other Mastaba Fields." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 147-148, fig. 89.
Manuelian, Peter Der. "Presenting the Scroll: Papyrus Documents in Tombs Scenes of the Old Kingdom." In Peter Der Manuelian, ed. Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson 2. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1996, p. 587, fig. 11, (mislabeled G 7340-7350 on pp. 582-583).
Mysliwiec, Karol. "The Scheme 2 x 4 in the Decoration of Old Kingdom Tombs." In Zahi Hawass and Janet Richards, eds. The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt. Essays in Honor of David B. O'Connor, Vol. II. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier no. 36. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2007, p. 203, note 14.
Pieke, Gabriele. "Der Grabherr und die Lotosblume. Zu Lokalen und Geschlechtsspezifischen Traditionen eines Motivkreises." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, p. 260, Abb. 1.
Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, pp. 197-199, plan 30.
Reisner, George A. "The Tomb of Meresankh, a Great-Granddaughter of Queen Hetep-Heres and Sneferuw." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 25, No. 151 (October 1927), pp. 63-79, figs. 1-19.
Reisner, George A. "The Servants of the Ka." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 32, No. 189 (February 1934), pp. 10-11.
Roth, Ann Macy. "Little Women: Gender and Hierarchic Proportion in Old Kingdom Mastaba Chapels." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, p. 289.
Rzepka, Slawomir. "Hidden Statues and Reliefs in Old Kingdom Tombs." Göttinger Miszellen 164 (1998), pp. 101-102, 104, 106-108, fig. 1.
Sethe, Kurt. Urkunden des Alten Reichs. Erster Band. Urkunden des Ägyptischen Altertums Abteilung 1, Hft. 1-4. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1903-1933, pp. 156-157 [7 (98)].
Simpson, William Kelly. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery, Part 1: Sekhemka (G 1029); Tjetu I (G 2001); Iasen (G 2196); Penmeru (G 2197); Hagy, Nefertjentet, and Herunefer (G 2352/53); Djaty, Tjetu II, and Nimesti (G 2337X, 2343, 2366). Giza Mastabas 4. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1980, pp. 16, 21 (note 17).
Simpson, William Kelly. "Topographical Notes on Giza Mastabas." In Manfred Görg and Edgar Pusch, eds. Festschrift Elmar Edel 12. März 1979. Ägypten und Altes Testament 1. Bamberg, 1979, p. 494, fig. 2.
Smith, William Stevenson. "The Origin of Some Unidentified Old Kingdom Reliefs." American Journal of Archaeology 46 (1942), p. 527.
Smith, William Stevenson. "Inscriptional Evidence for the History of the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 11 (1952), pp. 116, 119, 126, 127, figs. 4, 7.
Smith, William Stevenson. Ancient Egypt as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1960 (6th ed.), pp. 41, 51.
Smith, William Stevenson. "The Old Kingdom in Egypt," The Cambridge Ancient History, rev. ed. of vols. I & II, Cambridge University Press, 1962, p. 33.
Verner, Miroslav. "Contemporaneous Evidence for the Relative Chronology of Dyns. 4 and 5." In Erik Hornung, Rolf Krauss & David A. Warburton, eds. Ancient Egyptian Chronology, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2006, pp. 133, 135, 136.
Woods, Alexandra. "Contribution to a Controversy: A Date For the Tomb of kA(=j)-m-anx at Giza." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 95 (2009), pp. 164, 169.
Alexanian, Nicole. "Tomb and Social Status. The Textual Evidence." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 6-7.
Arnold, Dieter. "Old Kingdom Statues in their Architectural Setting." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 47-48, fig. 26.
Baud, Michel. "The Tombs of Khamerernebty I and II at Giza." Göttinger Miszellen 164 (1998), pp. 10, 13.
Baud, Michel. "La tombe de la reine-mère xa-mrr-Nbtj Ire." Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 95 (1995), p. 13.
Bolshakov, Andrey. "Osiris in the Fourth Dynasty Again? The False Door of Jntj, MFA 31.781." In Hedvig Györy, ed. Mélanges offerts à Edith Varga. Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts Supplément-2001, Budapest: Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts, 2001, p. 76, note 90.
Bothmer, Bernard V. Egypt 1950: My First Visit. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2003, p. 137.
Brovarski, Edward. "A Unique Funerary Monument of Old Kingdom Date in the Egyptian Museum." In Mamdouh Eldamaty and Mai Trad, eds. Egyptian Museum Collections around the World. Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2002, p. 188, note 37.
Brovarski, Edward. "Old Kingdom Beaded Collars." In Jacke Phillips with Lanny Bell, Bruce B. Williams, James Hoch and Ronald J. Leprohon (eds.) Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Near East. Studies in Honour of Martha Rhoads Bell, Volume 1. San Antonio: Van Siclen Books, 1997, pp. 144, 163.
Callender, Vivienne Gae. "The Iconography of the Princess in the Old Kingdom." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 122-125.
Callender, Vivienne G. and Peter Jánosi. "The Tomb of Queen Khamerernebty II at Giza." Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 53 (1997), pp. 8, 10, 12-13, 18-19, 21, notes 27, 47, 48, fig. 4.
Dunham, Dows. "A Statuette of Two Egyptian Queens." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 34, No. 201 (February 1936), pp. 3-5.
Dunham, Dows. "Some Notes on Ancient Egyptian Line Drawing." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37, No. 222 (August 1939), pp. 63-64, figs. 3-4.
Dunham, Dows. "An Egyptian Diadem of the Old Kingdom." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 44, No. 255 (February 1946), p. 28, fig. 11.
Dunham, Dows. The Egyptian Department and its Excavations. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1958, pp. 49-50, fig. 31.
Dunham, Dows, and William Kelly Simpson. The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III. Giza Mastabas 1. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1974.
Eaton-Krauss, Marianne. "An Offering Table Scene in the Art Institue, Chicago." Göttinger Miszellen 219 (2008), p. 20.
Eaton-Krauss, Marianne. "Pseudo-Groups." In Rainer Stadelmann and Hourig Sourouzian, eds. Kunst des Alten Reiches: Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991. Sonderschrift des Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Abteilung Kairo 28, Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1995, pp. 58, 60, n. 12.
Fay, Biri. "Royal Women as Represented in Sculpture during the Old Kingdom. Part II: Uninscribed Sculptures." In Christiane Ziegler, ed. L'art de l'ancien empire égyptien. Paris: Musée du Louvre, 1999, pp. 105-107, 128, 134-135, figs. 6, 24, 25.
Fay, Biri. "Royal Women as Represented in Sculpture dunring the Old Kingdom." In Nicolas Grimal, ed. Les Critères de Datation Stylistiques à l'Ancien Empire. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1998, pp. 162-163.
Fischer, Henry G. "A feminine example of wD Hm.k, 'thy majesty commands' in the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 61 (1975), pp. 246-247, fig. 1.
Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of Art in the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty: Iconography and Style." In Jean-Claude Goyon and Christine Cardin, eds. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists, Grenoble, 6-12 septembre 2004, vol. I. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 150. Leuven: Uitgeveru Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, 2007, pp. 723-724, 727, 729-730, 732, 734-735, fig. 1.
Flentye, Laurel. "The Mastabas of Ankh-haf (G 7510) and Akhethetep and Meretites (G 7650) in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza: A Reassessment." In Zahi Hawass and Janet Richards, eds. The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt. Essays in Honor of David B. O'Connor, Vol. I. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier no. 36. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2007, pp. 295, 298, fig. 1.
Flentye, Laurel. “The Mastaba of Meresankh III (G7530/7540) in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza: An Archaeological and Art Historical Analysis.” Bulletin of the Egyptian Museum 3 (2006), pp. 71–82, figs. 1-10.
Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 136-138.
Galvin, Marianne. "The Hereditary Status of the Titles of the Cult of Hathor." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 70 (1984), p. 45.
Holden, Lynn. "An Anubis Figure in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts." In William K. Simpson and Whitney M. Davis, eds. Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan. Essays in honor of Dows Dunham on the occasion of his 90th birthday, June 1, 1980, Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, p. 101, fig. 4.
Jánosi, Peter. "' intact burial-chamber belonging to a great lady of the Royal Family of the Fourth Dynasty' oder: Wo waren Chephrens Tochter bestattet?." In Antje Spiekermann, ed. Zur Zierde gereicht. . . Festschrift Bettina Schmitz zum 60. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 2008, HIldesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 50. Hildesheim: Verlag Gebrüder Gerstenberg, 2008, p. 131.
Jánosi, Peter. "The Tombs of Officials. Houses of Eternity." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, p. 38, notes 54, 56.
Jánosi, Peter. "Gab es Kronprinzen in der 4. Dynastie?" Göttinger Miszellen 158 (1997), p. 26, note 66.
Jánosi, Peter. "Die Grabanlagen der Konigin Hetepheres II." Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 123 (1996), pp. 46, 48, 51-52, 54-55, 59-60, 62, figs. 1, 3, 4, 6.
Jánosi, Peter. "The Queens of the Old Kingdom and their Tombs." Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 3 (1992), p. 52.
Junker, Hermann. Gîza 3. Die Mastabas der vorgeschrittenen V. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1938, pp. 46-47 [41].
Junker, Hermann. "Mutter und Sohn auf einem relief des frühen Alten Reiches." Anzeiger der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1953, Nr. 14, p. 172.
Kendall, Timothy. "An Unusual Rock-Cut Tomb at Giza." In William Kelly Simpson and Whitney M. David, eds. Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan: Essays in Honor of Dows Dunham on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday, June 1, 1980. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, p. 105, n. 1.
Lehner, Mark & Peter Lacovara. "An enigmatic object explained." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 71 (1985), p. 170, fig. 3.
Lesko, Barbara S. "Queen Khamerernebty II and Her Sculpture." In Leonard H. Lesko, ed. Ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Studies in Memory of William A. Ward, Providence: Department of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies, Brown University, 1998, pp. 157, 159.
Manuelian, Peter Der. "Excavating the Old Kingdom. The Giza Necropolis and Other Mastaba Fields." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 147-148, fig. 89.
Manuelian, Peter Der. "Presenting the Scroll: Papyrus Documents in Tombs Scenes of the Old Kingdom." In Peter Der Manuelian, ed. Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson 2. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1996, p. 587, fig. 11, (mislabeled G 7340-7350 on pp. 582-583).
Mysliwiec, Karol. "The Scheme 2 x 4 in the Decoration of Old Kingdom Tombs." In Zahi Hawass and Janet Richards, eds. The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt. Essays in Honor of David B. O'Connor, Vol. II. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier no. 36. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2007, p. 203, note 14.
Pieke, Gabriele. "Der Grabherr und die Lotosblume. Zu Lokalen und Geschlechtsspezifischen Traditionen eines Motivkreises." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, p. 260, Abb. 1.
Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, pp. 197-199, plan 30.
Reisner, George A. "The Tomb of Meresankh, a Great-Granddaughter of Queen Hetep-Heres and Sneferuw." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 25, No. 151 (October 1927), pp. 63-79, figs. 1-19.
Reisner, George A. "The Servants of the Ka." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 32, No. 189 (February 1934), pp. 10-11.
Roth, Ann Macy. "Little Women: Gender and Hierarchic Proportion in Old Kingdom Mastaba Chapels." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, p. 289.
Rzepka, Slawomir. "Hidden Statues and Reliefs in Old Kingdom Tombs." Göttinger Miszellen 164 (1998), pp. 101-102, 104, 106-108, fig. 1.
Sethe, Kurt. Urkunden des Alten Reichs. Erster Band. Urkunden des Ägyptischen Altertums Abteilung 1, Hft. 1-4. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1903-1933, pp. 156-157 [7 (98)].
Simpson, William Kelly. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery, Part 1: Sekhemka (G 1029); Tjetu I (G 2001); Iasen (G 2196); Penmeru (G 2197); Hagy, Nefertjentet, and Herunefer (G 2352/53); Djaty, Tjetu II, and Nimesti (G 2337X, 2343, 2366). Giza Mastabas 4. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1980, pp. 16, 21 (note 17).
Simpson, William Kelly. "Topographical Notes on Giza Mastabas." In Manfred Görg and Edgar Pusch, eds. Festschrift Elmar Edel 12. März 1979. Ägypten und Altes Testament 1. Bamberg, 1979, p. 494, fig. 2.
Smith, William Stevenson. "The Origin of Some Unidentified Old Kingdom Reliefs." American Journal of Archaeology 46 (1942), p. 527.
Smith, William Stevenson. "Inscriptional Evidence for the History of the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 11 (1952), pp. 116, 119, 126, 127, figs. 4, 7.
Smith, William Stevenson. Ancient Egypt as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1960 (6th ed.), pp. 41, 51.
Smith, William Stevenson. "The Old Kingdom in Egypt," The Cambridge Ancient History, rev. ed. of vols. I & II, Cambridge University Press, 1962, p. 33.
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Publications (PDFs) in Giza Archives Library:
Alexanian, Nicole. "Tomb and Social Status. The Textual Evidence." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp.1-8. Bernhauer, Edith. "Die Statuen mit Papyrusrolle im Alten Reich" In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp.63-70. Callender, Vivienne Gae. "The Iconography of the Princess in the Old Kingdom." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 119-126. Dunham, Dows, and William Kelly Simpson. The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III (G 7530-7540). Giza Mastabas 1. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1974. Dunham, Dows. "Some Notes on Ancient Egyptian Line Drawing." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37, No. 222 (August 1939), pp. 62-64. Dunham, Dows. "A Statuette of Two Egyptian Queens." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 34, No. 201 (February 1936), pp. 3-5. Dunham, Dows. "An Egyptian Diadem of the Old Kingdom." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 44, No. 255 (February 1946), pp. 23-29. Dunham, Dows. The Egyptian Department and its Excavations. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1958. Fischer, Henry G. "A feminine example of wD Hm.k, 'thy majesty commands' in the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 61 (1975), pp. 246-247. Fischer, Henry G. "NBTY in Old-Kingdom Titles and Names." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 60 (1974), pp. 94-99. Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of Art in the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty: Iconography and Style." In Jean-Claude Goyon and Christine Cardin, eds. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists, Grenoble, 6-12 septembre 2004, vol. I. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 150. Leuven: Uitgeveru Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, 2007, pp. 721-735. Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 133-143. Flentye, Laurel. "The Mastaba of Meresankh III (G 7530/7540) in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza: An Archaeological and Art Historical Analysis." Bulletin of the Egyptian Museum 3 (2006), pp. 71-82. Jánosi, Peter. "Die Grabanlagen der Konigin Hetepheres II." Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 123 (1996), pp. 46-62. Junker, Hermann. Gîza 3. Die Mastabas der Vorgeschrittenen V. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof. Bericht über die von der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien auf gemeinsame Kosten mit Dr. Wilhelm Pelizaeus unternommenen Grabungen auf dem Friedhof des Alten Reiches bei den Pyramiden von Giza. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1938. Kendall, Timothy. "An Unusual Rock-Cut Tomb at Giza." In William Kelly Simpson and Whitney M. Davis, eds. Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan: Essays in Honor of Dows Dunham on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday, June 1, 1980. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, pp. 104-114. Manuelian, Peter Der. "A Race against Time in the Shadow of the Pyramids. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Giza Necropolis, 1902-1990." KMT 1, No. 4 (1990-91), pp. 10-21. Manuelian, Peter Der. "Presenting the Scroll: Papyrus Documents in Tombs Scenes of the Old Kingdom." In Peter Der Manuelian, ed. Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson 2. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1996, pp. 561-588. Manuelian, Peter Der. "The Giza Mastaba Niche and full frontal Figure of Redi-nes in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston." In David P. Silverman, ed. For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 55. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1994, pp. 55-78. Pieke, Gabriele. "Der Grabherr und die Lotosblume. Zu Lokalen und Geschlechtsspezifischen Traditionen eines Motivkreises." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 259-280. Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974. Reisner, George A. "Egyptology 1896-1928." In Samuel Eliot Morison, ed. The Development of Harvard University since the Inauguration of President Eliot 1869-1929. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1930, pp. 241-247. Reisner, George A. "The Servants of the Ka." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 32, No. 189 (February 1934), pp. 1-12. Reisner, George A. "The Tomb of Meresankh, a Great-Granddaughter of Queen Hetep-Heres and Sneferuw." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 25, No. 151 (October 1927), pp. 63-79. Roth, Ann Macy. "Little Women: Gender and Hierarchic Proportion in Old Kingdom Mastaba Chapels." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 281-296. Smith, William Stevenson. "Inscriptional Evidence for the History of the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 11 (1952), pp. 113-28. Smith, William Stevenson. "Old Kingdom Sculpture." American Journal of Archaeology 45 (1941), pp. 514-528. Smith, William Stevenson. "The Origin of Some Unidentified Old Kingdom Reliefs." American Journal of Archaeology 46 (1942), pp. 509-531. Smith, William Stevenson. Ancient Egypt as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1960. Verner, Miroslav. "Archaeological Remarks on the 4th and 5th Dynasty Chronology." Archiv Orientální 69, No. 3 (August 2002), pp. 363-418.
Alexanian, Nicole. "Tomb and Social Status. The Textual Evidence." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp.1-8. Bernhauer, Edith. "Die Statuen mit Papyrusrolle im Alten Reich" In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp.63-70. Callender, Vivienne Gae. "The Iconography of the Princess in the Old Kingdom." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 119-126. Dunham, Dows, and William Kelly Simpson. The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III (G 7530-7540). Giza Mastabas 1. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1974. Dunham, Dows. "Some Notes on Ancient Egyptian Line Drawing." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37, No. 222 (August 1939), pp. 62-64. Dunham, Dows. "A Statuette of Two Egyptian Queens." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 34, No. 201 (February 1936), pp. 3-5. Dunham, Dows. "An Egyptian Diadem of the Old Kingdom." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 44, No. 255 (February 1946), pp. 23-29. Dunham, Dows. The Egyptian Department and its Excavations. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1958. Fischer, Henry G. "A feminine example of wD Hm.k, 'thy majesty commands' in the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 61 (1975), pp. 246-247. Fischer, Henry G. "NBTY in Old-Kingdom Titles and Names." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 60 (1974), pp. 94-99. Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of Art in the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty: Iconography and Style." In Jean-Claude Goyon and Christine Cardin, eds. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists, Grenoble, 6-12 septembre 2004, vol. I. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 150. Leuven: Uitgeveru Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, 2007, pp. 721-735. Flentye, Laurel. "The Development of the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 133-143. Flentye, Laurel. "The Mastaba of Meresankh III (G 7530/7540) in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza: An Archaeological and Art Historical Analysis." Bulletin of the Egyptian Museum 3 (2006), pp. 71-82. Jánosi, Peter. "Die Grabanlagen der Konigin Hetepheres II." Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 123 (1996), pp. 46-62. Junker, Hermann. Gîza 3. Die Mastabas der Vorgeschrittenen V. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof. Bericht über die von der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien auf gemeinsame Kosten mit Dr. Wilhelm Pelizaeus unternommenen Grabungen auf dem Friedhof des Alten Reiches bei den Pyramiden von Giza. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1938. Kendall, Timothy. "An Unusual Rock-Cut Tomb at Giza." In William Kelly Simpson and Whitney M. Davis, eds. Studies in Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan: Essays in Honor of Dows Dunham on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday, June 1, 1980. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1981, pp. 104-114. Manuelian, Peter Der. "A Race against Time in the Shadow of the Pyramids. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Giza Necropolis, 1902-1990." KMT 1, No. 4 (1990-91), pp. 10-21. Manuelian, Peter Der. "Presenting the Scroll: Papyrus Documents in Tombs Scenes of the Old Kingdom." In Peter Der Manuelian, ed. Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson 2. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1996, pp. 561-588. Manuelian, Peter Der. "The Giza Mastaba Niche and full frontal Figure of Redi-nes in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston." In David P. Silverman, ed. For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 55. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1994, pp. 55-78. Pieke, Gabriele. "Der Grabherr und die Lotosblume. Zu Lokalen und Geschlechtsspezifischen Traditionen eines Motivkreises." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 259-280. Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974. Reisner, George A. "Egyptology 1896-1928." In Samuel Eliot Morison, ed. The Development of Harvard University since the Inauguration of President Eliot 1869-1929. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1930, pp. 241-247. Reisner, George A. "The Servants of the Ka." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 32, No. 189 (February 1934), pp. 1-12. Reisner, George A. "The Tomb of Meresankh, a Great-Granddaughter of Queen Hetep-Heres and Sneferuw." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 25, No. 151 (October 1927), pp. 63-79. Roth, Ann Macy. "Little Women: Gender and Hierarchic Proportion in Old Kingdom Mastaba Chapels." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 281-296. Smith, William Stevenson. "Inscriptional Evidence for the History of the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 11 (1952), pp. 113-28. Smith, William Stevenson. "Old Kingdom Sculpture." American Journal of Archaeology 45 (1941), pp. 514-528. Smith, William Stevenson. "The Origin of Some Unidentified Old Kingdom Reliefs." American Journal of Archaeology 46 (1942), pp. 509-531. Smith, William Stevenson. Ancient Egypt as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1960. Verner, Miroslav. "Archaeological Remarks on the 4th and 5th Dynasty Chronology." Archiv Orientální 69, No. 3 (August 2002), pp. 363-418.