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Eastern Cemetery: G 7391
Stone-built mastaba
PorterMoss Date: Late Dynasty 5
Strudwick Date: Perhaps middle of Dynasty 5
Harpur Date: Menkauhor - Djedkare
Badawy Date: Late Dynasty 4 - early Dynasty 5
Strudwick Date: Perhaps middle of Dynasty 5
Harpur Date: Menkauhor - Djedkare
Badawy Date: Late Dynasty 4 - early Dynasty 5
Attested: Inkaf (in G 7391)
Attested: Washkakhafre (in G 7391)
Attested: Iteti (in G 7391)
Attested: Senetankh (in G 7391)
Attested: Nikaankh (in G 7391)
Attested: Iydjefa (in G 7391)
Attested: Ankhmaka (in G 7391)
Attested: Autib (in G 7391)
Attested: Werkaukhafre (in G 7391)
Attested: San (in G 7391)
Excavator: Ernesto Schiaparelli
Italian, 1856–1928
Attested: Sepen (in G 7391)
Excavator: George Andrew Reisner
American, 1867–1942
Attested: Nefer (in G 7391)
Attested: Akhu (in G 7391)
Attested: Iteti (in G 7391)
Attested: Ipet (in G 7391)
Attested: Ipau (in G 7391)
Attested: Hermeru (in G 7391)
Attested: Semgu (in G 7391)
Attested: Khafreankh (in G 7391)
Attested: Rudj (in G 7391)
Tomb Owner: Iteti (G 7391)
Attested: Washkakhafre (in G 7391)
Attested: Iteti (in G 7391)
Attested: Senetankh (in G 7391)
Attested: Nikaankh (in G 7391)
Attested: Iydjefa (in G 7391)
Attested: Ankhmaka (in G 7391)
Attested: Autib (in G 7391)
Attested: Werkaukhafre (in G 7391)
Attested: San (in G 7391)
Excavator: Ernesto Schiaparelli
Italian, 1856–1928
Attested: Sepen (in G 7391)
Excavator: George Andrew Reisner
American, 1867–1942
Attested: Nefer (in G 7391)
Attested: Akhu (in G 7391)
Attested: Iteti (in G 7391)
Attested: Ipet (in G 7391)
Attested: Ipau (in G 7391)
Attested: Hermeru (in G 7391)
Attested: Semgu (in G 7391)
Attested: Khafreankh (in G 7391)
Attested: Rudj (in G 7391)
Tomb Owner: Iteti (G 7391)
Remarks: Plan XXX.
Selected bibliographical references:
Badawy, Iteti, pp. 1-14, figs. 1-17, pls. I-XIII.
Curto, Silvio. Gli Scavi Italiani a el-Ghiza (1903). Rome: Centro Per Le Antichitá E La Storia Dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente, 1993, pp. 34-46, figs. 4-9, 40-46, pls. IV-XI.
García, Juan Carlos Moreno. "A New Old Kingdom Inscription from Giza (CGC 57163), and the Problem of sn-Dt in Pharaonic Third Millennium Society." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 93 (2007), p. 122.
Harpur, Yvonne. "Two Old Kingdom Tombs at Giza." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 67 (1981), pp. 24-30.
Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 1-3. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000, Kat. G252-G253.
Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, p. 193.
Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942, p. 312.
Smith, William Stevenson. A History of Egyptian Sculpture and Painting in the Old Kingdom. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press on behalf of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1946, pp. 297, 316, figs. 150, 186.
Badawy, Iteti, pp. 1-14, figs. 1-17, pls. I-XIII.
Curto, Silvio. Gli Scavi Italiani a el-Ghiza (1903). Rome: Centro Per Le Antichitá E La Storia Dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente, 1993, pp. 34-46, figs. 4-9, 40-46, pls. IV-XI.
García, Juan Carlos Moreno. "A New Old Kingdom Inscription from Giza (CGC 57163), and the Problem of sn-Dt in Pharaonic Third Millennium Society." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 93 (2007), p. 122.
Harpur, Yvonne. "Two Old Kingdom Tombs at Giza." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 67 (1981), pp. 24-30.
Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 1-3. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000, Kat. G252-G253.
Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, p. 193.
Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942, p. 312.
Smith, William Stevenson. A History of Egyptian Sculpture and Painting in the Old Kingdom. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press on behalf of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1946, pp. 297, 316, figs. 150, 186.
Publications (PDFs) in Giza Archives Library:
Curto, Silvio. Gli Scavi Italiani a el-Ghiza (1903). Rome: Centro Per Le Antichitá E La Storia Dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente, 1993. Harpur, Yvonne. "Two Old Kingdom Tombs at Giza." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 67 (1981), pp. 24-35. Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 1. Text. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000. Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 2. Abbildungen. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000. Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 3. Katalog. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000. Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974. Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942. Smith, William Stevenson. A History of Egyptian Sculpture and Painting in the Old Kingdom. 2nd. ed. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press on behalf of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1949.
Curto, Silvio. Gli Scavi Italiani a el-Ghiza (1903). Rome: Centro Per Le Antichitá E La Storia Dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente, 1993. Harpur, Yvonne. "Two Old Kingdom Tombs at Giza." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 67 (1981), pp. 24-35. Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 1. Text. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000. Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 2. Abbildungen. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000. Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 3. Katalog. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000. Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974. Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942. Smith, William Stevenson. A History of Egyptian Sculpture and Painting in the Old Kingdom. 2nd. ed. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press on behalf of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1949.
Problem; Is there a shaft ?