| Title | Related People | Date of Entry | Inv. No. |
G 7152, Shaft B
| | | EG016590 |
G 7152, Shaft B
| | | EG016591 |
G 7152, Shaft B
| | | EG018319 |
G 7152: pottery, bottle with handle from E of tomb
| | | EG024700 |
G 7152: pottery, jar from E of tomb
| | | EG024697 |
G 7152: pottery, jar from E of tomb
| | | EG024716 |
G 7152: relief from chapel, W wall, S end, false door
| | | EG020451 |
General plan of cemetery G 7000
| Joseph Bonello | 1924-1931 | EG002884 |
General plan of Eastern Cemetery (G 7000s)
| Alexander Floroff | 12/08/1938 | EG002032 |
inscriptions from fragments of New Year’s Bottles form Avenue G 2, Avenue G 3, Street G 7100, Street G 7200, Street G 7300, Street G 7400, G 7110-7120, G 7150, G 7152, G 7210-7220, G 7230-7240, G 7310-7320, G 7410-7420, G 7430-7440, G 7510, G 7631, G I-b
| | | EG020438 |