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Photo ID number: PDM_06370
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2150
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2150
Musuem of Fine Arts, Boston: uninscribed red granite sarcophagus with plaster casing (S end, E side, and lid) from G 2150 A, burial chamber: 33-4-20
Musuem of Fine Arts, Boston: uninscribed red granite sarcophagus with plaster casing (S end, E side, and lid) from G 2150 A, burial chamber: 33-4-20
Photographer: Peter Der Manuelian
Photo date: 03/15/2006
VERIFIED: identification verified
Non organic / Rock: GraniteMET 02 : Tomb equipment / Coffin/sarcophagus/cartonnage: Coffin/sarcophagus of humans
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element / Wall: Surface plaster
MET 06 : Stone-technique: Carved