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Result 64 of 252
Site: Giza; view: G 7110-7120, street G 7000, street G 7300, G 7310-7320, G I-b, street G 7400, avenue G 1, Khufu pyramid temple

Photo ID number: B6227_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7110-7120, street G 7000, street G 7300, G 7310-7320, G I-b, street G 7400, avenue G 1, Khufu pyramid temple
Small fragments of relief: top row: [G 7110-7120: G 7120] 24-12-1117 (five items: d, c, b, a, f), [street G 7000, originally from G I-b chapel] 24-11-242 (two items: i = MFA 27.2052.5, a = MFA 27.2053 [one of two fitting fragments]), [] __-__-__; second row: [G 7310-7320: G 7310, exterior chapel] 25-1-749 (= MFA 25.1819), [street G 7000, originally from G I-b chapel] 24-11-242b3 (= MFA 27.2052.11, one of six fitting fragments), [] __-__-__, [street G 7000, originally from G I-b chapel] 24-11-349 (= MFA 27.1126.7, upper item), 24-11-286e (lower item), 24-11-242a (= MFA 27.2053, one of two fitting fragments), 24-11-286f (= MFA 27.1126.8), 24-11-242 (three items: b5 = MFA 27.2052.7 and b6 = MFA 27.2052.10 [two of six fitting fragments], g = MFA 27.1126.3); third row: [G 7110-7120: G 7120 chapel] 24-12-1109b, [street G 7300] 25-1-957, [street G 7000, originally from G I-b chapel] 24-11-242e, [G 7310-7320: G 7310, exterior chapel] 25-1-751 (= MFA 25.1821, one of two fitting fragments), [street G 7000, originally from G I-b chapel] 24-11-242k; fourth row: [G 7110-7120: G 7110] 24-12-1098 (= MFA 24.3066), [G 7110-7120: G 7120] 24-12-1111 (= MFA 24.3071), 24-12-1109a, [] __-__-__, [street G 7000, originally from G I-b chapel] 24-11-286k, 24-11-242h (= MFA 27.1126.4), 24-11-242b1 (= MFA 27.2052.6, one of six fitting fragments), [avenue G 1, possibly originally from Khufu pyramid temple] 24-11-473 (= MFA 24.2491), [street G 7400] 25-1-1019 (= MFA 25.1884); bottom row: [G 7110-7120: G 7120] 24-12-1108a (= MFA 24.3069.1), 24-12-1112 (= MFA 24.3072), 24-12-1110 (= MFA 24.3070), 24-12-1113
Photo date: 05/07/1927
Remarks: Relief scenes from G I-b chapel: Boating scene MFA 27.1126 = 24-11-242 (c, d, g, h, l, n7, n9) + 24-11-286 (f, g, i, l) + 24-11-349. Three registers of relief including man leading long horned cow MFA 27.2052 = 24-11-242 (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, i, n8, n10, n11, n12) + 24-11-286 (a1, a2, a3, a4, d, j).
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: as far as it goes: 25-1-149 (fragment of pottery) corrected to read 25-1-749; 24-12-1115 corrected to read 24-12-1113; 24-12-1116 questionably references this photo, but does not appear in this photo; 24-11-249 (ushabti) deleted from description; last item in top row does not match any illustrated fragment numbered 24-11-286, deleted from description; items represented by blank spaces were circled x; one of these (fourth row, sixth item) identified as 24-11-242h; arrangement based on annotated mounted print; provenance added based on object register; MFA accession numbers verified
MET 05 : Non organic / Rock: Limestone
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element / Wall: Block
MET 06 : General technique / Relief: High relief
MET 06 : General technique / Relief: Low relief
MET 07 : Fragment