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Result 47 of 110
Site: Giza; view: G 7757

Photo ID number: A5507_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7757
Dynasty 26 greywacke anthropoid sarcophagus of Kheperre from G 7757 A X (box, side): 29-4-443 + 29-12-20 + 29-12-38 + 29-12-215 (= MFA 30.834a + MFA 30.834b)
Photo date: 05/17/1930
Remarks: MFA 30.834, sarcophagus of Kheperre: MFA 30.834a (box) + MFA 30.834b (lid) = 29-4-443 (sarcophagus) + 29-12-20 (lid fragment) + 29-12-38 (miscellaneous fragments) + 29-12-215 (lid fragment)
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: provenance of sarcophagus misidentified in photo register; description corrected and identification verified based on object register; MFA accession numbers verified
MET 05 : Non organic / Rock: Greywacke
MET 02 : Tomb equipment / Coffin/sarcophagus element: Coffin/sarcophagus bottom
MET 06 : Stone-technique: Carved
MET 06 : General technique / Relief: Engraved relief