[[missing key: Photos.met.details-breadcrumb]]
Result 69 of 194
Site: Giza; view: G 2150

Photo ID number: A8037_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2150
Tracing: sections of relief from G 2150, Kanefer, (room a) interior chapel: upper: register of relief (personified estates, offering bearers) from E wall (cf. A5750); lower (upside down): lower part of offering table scene from S wall (cf. A5736)
Photo date: 07/07/1938
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: identifications verified; description expanded based on image content
MET 02 : Modern Drawing/Painting
MET 08 : Action: Carrying
MET 08 : Human / Woman: Female offering bearer
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of arms/hands / Arms raised: Left arm raised
MET 08 : Human / Man: Male offering bearer
MET 08 : Scene / Festival/processional scene: Procession of the estates
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of body: Standing