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Result 389 of 449
Site: Giza; View: G 4561

Photo ID number: AEOS_II_2540_2
Photo Subjects
Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 4561
Cemetery G 4000: G 4561, Kaemankh, chapel, corridor, W wall, relief N of false door (top register, scribes; portion of second register, musicians), looking W
MET 05 : Non organic / Rock: Limestone
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural unit / Tomb/mastaba/pyramide, etc.: Chapel
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element: Wall
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of body / Kneeling on both knees: Kneeling on one knee
MET 08 : Human / Man: Scribe
MET 08 : Action: Writing
MET 06 : General technique / Relief: Low relief