Result 69 of 87
Site: Giza; View: G 7530-7540

Photo ID number: A4728_NS
Photo Subjects
Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7530-7540
Cemetery G 7000: G 7530-7540: G 7530, Meresankh III (= Mersyankh), chapel entrance, N door jamb, relief, looking NNW
Photo date: 05/24/1927
Literature reference: Manuelian, Peter Der. "A Dig Divided: The Giza Mastaba of Heti, G 5480 (Giza Archives Gleaning IV)." In Zahi Hawass, Peter Der Manuelian and Ramadan Hussein, eds. Perspectives on Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honor of Edward Brovarski. CASAE 40. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2010, p. 251, note 34.

Manuelian, Peter Der. "Penmeru Revisited–Giza Mastaba G 2197 (Giza Archives Gleanings V)." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 45 (2009), p. 13, note 20.
MET 05 : Non organic / Rock: Limestone
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural unit / Tomb/mastaba/pyramide, etc.: Chapel
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element / Door: Drum
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element / Door: Entrance
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element / Door: Jamb
MET 08 : Scene / Funerary ritual scene: Bringing funerary offerings
MET 08 : Human / Man: Male offering bearer
MET 08 : Animal: Mammal
MET 08 : Action: Presenting
MET 08 : Action: Pulling
MET 08 : Human / Woman: Queen
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of body: Standing
MET 08 : Divine appearance: Theriomorphic god
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of body: Upper part of the body inclined to the front
MET 08 : Human / Woman: Young girl
MET 06 : General technique / Relief: Engraved relief