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Result 9 of 10
Site: Giza; view: G 7530-7540, G 7788, street G 7500

Photo ID number: B6548_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7530-7540, G 7788, street G 7500
Old Kingdom copper objects: top row: [G 7530-7540: G 7530 A] 27-6-6 (= MFA 27.2037, adze blade); bottom row: [S of G 7788] 28-3-57 (= MFA 28.1380, fragment of mirror), [G 7530-7540: G 7530 A] 27-6-5 (= MFA 27.2036, model dish), [street G 7500 S] 28-5-77 (= MFA 28.1492, fragment of tool)
Photo date: 07/23/1928
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: 28-3-77 incorrectly references this photo; arrangement and identifications verified based on annotated mounted print and object register; MFA accession numbers verified
MET 05 : Non organic / Metal: Copper
MET 02 : Implements and utensils / Carpenters & sculptors tools: Adze
MET 02 : Receptacle/vessel: Dish
MET 02 : Implements and utensils / Cosmetic and medical equipment and implements: Mirror
MET 02 : Implements and utensils: Unspecified equipemnt