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Result 7 of 12
Site: Giza; view: G 7000 X

Photo ID number: A6914_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7000 X
G 7000 X, Hetepheres I, furniture: canopy (reconstruction = Cairo JE 57711, reproduction = MFA 38.873) with bed (reconstruction = Cairo JE 53261, reproduction = MFA 29.1858) and headrest (reconstruction = Cairo JE 53262, reproduction = MFA 29.1859), arm chair (reconstruction = Cairo JE 53263, reproduction = MFA 38.957), jewel box (reconstruction = Cairo JE 53265), view from left
Photographer: Ahmed Ismain
Photo date: 03/19/1932
Remarks: Original reconstructions in collection of Egyptian Museum, Cairo; copies (except for jewel box) in collection of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: objects not registered; Cairo JE numbers verified; MFA accession numbers verified
MET 05 : Non organic / Metal: Unspecified metal
MET 05 : Organic: Wood
MET 02 : Furniture / Seat: Armchair
MET 02 : Furniture: Bed
MET 02 : Furniture: Box/chest/casket
MET 02 : Furniture: Headrest
MET 02 : Modern Reproduction/Restoration
MET 06 : General technique: Gilded