Result 6 of 284
Site: Giza; View: street G 7000, G I-a, bin 139, bin 140, bin 141

Photo ID number: A3487_NS
Photo Subjects
Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: street G 7000, G I-a, bin 139, bin 140, bin 141
Cemetery G 7000: street G 7000, in front of subsidiary pyramid G I-a, mud brick bins (including bins 139, 140, 141) in street, looking S
Photo date: 12/20/1924
Image published: Reisner, George A. "The Dead Hand in Egypt." The Independent 114, No. 3903 (March 21, 1925), p. 322.
Problems/Questions: identification of specific bins based on montage map of Eastern cemetery; description expanded based on image content; Reisner reference verified
MET 05 : Non organic / Natural compound: Nile mud
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural unit / Giza Cemetery / Cemetery 7000
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element: Storage bin
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural unit / Tomb/mastaba/pyramide, etc.: Street
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural unit: Tomb/mastaba/pyramide, etc.