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Site: Giza; View: G 2342 = G 5520, G 5522, G 2370, G 5562, G 5524, G 5523, G 5521, G 2343 = G 5511

Photo ID number: B8274P_ann_NS
Photo Subjects
Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2342 = G 5520, G 5522, G 2370, G 5562, G 5524, G 5523, G 5521, G 2343 = G 5511
Cemetery G 5000 (cemetery G 2300): area S of G 2370 (Senedjemib Complex): space between G 2342 (= G 5520 = Lepsius 28) and G 2370, G 2347 X (= G 5562 A), G 2346 (= G 5524), G 2345 (= G 5523), G 2342 XYZ (= G 5522), G 2344 (= G 5521), G 2343 (= G 5511), looking W
Photo date: 02/10/1933
Remarks: G 2342 = G 5520; pits G 2342 XYZ = G 5522; pit G 2347 X = pit G 5562 A
Problems/Questions: description expanded based on image content