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Photo ID number: PDM_06683
Photo Subjects
Western Cemetery: Site: Giza, View: G 2000, G 2018, G 2019, G 2022, G 2023, G 2038, G 2040, G 2041, G 2051, G 2100, G 2100-I, G 2110
QTVR: On top of G 2041, immediately north of shaft A and northwest of interior stone chapel (decorated west wall in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 07.1000, 07.1001, 07.1003, 07.1004, 07.1005), also showing G 2100 to the east, G 2100-I to the southeast, G 2110 to the northeast, and to the west G 2000, G 2018, G 2019, G 2022, G 2023, G 2038, G 2040, G 2051
Photographer: Peter Der Manuelian
Photo date: 11/07/2006
Remarks: QTVR panorama: Hold your mouse over the image and drag left or right to rotate the 360 degree view. Use the Shift and Control keys to zoom in and out.