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Site: Giza; view: G 7130-7140, Isis Temple

Photo ID number: C13956_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7130-7140, Isis Temple
Faience ushabti and fragments: top row: [Isis Temple, G V] 36-11-22a (upper item), 36-11-22b (lower item), [G 7130-7140: G 7130 B I] 36-11-2, 36-11-2, 36-11-3, [G 7130-7140: G 7130 B II] 36-11-13, 36-11-13, 36-11-5, 36-11-5; bottom row: [G 7130-7140: G 7130 B I] 36-11-6 (all seven figures)
Photo date: 03/13/1937
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: 36-11-22, 36-11-13, 36-11-6 added to description; additions made and identifications verified based on object register and annotated mounted print in 1935 (and later) Divisions photographs box