Result 7 of 63

Photo ID number: A4247_NS
Photo Subjects
Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7050, G 7060, G 7070, G 7071, G 7072, G 7073
Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7050, G 7060, G 7070, G 7071, G 7072, G 7073
Cemetery G 7000: G 7050 (middle ground left), G 7060 (= Lepsius 57) (middle ground center), G 7070 (= Lepsius 56) (middle ground right), G 7073 abutting NE corner of G 7070, G 7071 and G 7072 both N of G 7070 (foreground right), mud brick walls N of G 7050 (foreground left), looking S from subsidiary pyramid G I-c
Cemetery G 7000: G 7050 (middle ground left), G 7060 (= Lepsius 57) (middle ground center), G 7070 (= Lepsius 56) (middle ground right), G 7073 abutting NE corner of G 7070, G 7071 and G 7072 both N of G 7070 (foreground right), mud brick walls N of G 7050 (foreground left), looking S from subsidiary pyramid G I-c
Photographer: Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
Photo date: 09/26/1926
Image published: G.A. Reisner, "Nefertkauw, the Eldest Daughter of Sneferuw," Zeitschrift fur Aegyptische Sprache 64 (1929), pl. II (2)
description expanded based on image content; Reisner reference verified