Result 23 of 63

Photo ID number: A5289_NS
Photo Subjects
Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7060
Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7060
Cemetery G 7000: top of mastaba G 7060 (= Lepsius 57), men at work lifting sarcophagus from G 7060 B, looking NE
Cemetery G 7000: top of mastaba G 7060 (= Lepsius 57), men at work lifting sarcophagus from G 7060 B, looking NE
Photographer: Mustapha Abu el-Hamd (expedition photographer)
Photo date: 10/26/1929
description corrected and expanded based on image content
Architecture / Architectural unit / Giza Cemetery / Cemetery 7000MET 02 : Tomb equipment / Coffin/sarcophagus element: Coffin/sarcophagus bottom