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Photo ID number: B746_NS
(Other photo number: B7469_NS)
(Other photo number: B7469_NS)
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2011
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2011
Limestone niche stela (in form of tomb facade) inscribed for the "inspector of craftsmen of the royal wabet", Ankh-haf, depicting four named off-spring all facing central false door (from left to right): woman at far left: [sAt=f H(...)] "his daughter H[...]", man at inner left: [sA=f mr grf] "his beloved son Geref" (Geref also seems to be name in paint in actual door niche in center), man at inner right: [sA=f mr nfrsSmptH] "his beloved son Neferseshemptah (?)", man at far right: [sA=f mr Tjw] "his beloved son Tjiu", from G 2011, debris: Egyptian Museum, Cairo JE 38673. [Image also known as: B7469_NS]
Limestone niche stela (in form of tomb facade) inscribed for the "inspector of craftsmen of the royal wabet", Ankh-haf, depicting four named off-spring all facing central false door (from left to right): woman at far left: [sAt=f H(...)] "his daughter H[...]", man at inner left: [sA=f mr grf] "his beloved son Geref" (Geref also seems to be name in paint in actual door niche in center), man at inner right: [sA=f mr nfrsSmptH] "his beloved son Neferseshemptah (?)", man at far right: [sA=f mr Tjw] "his beloved son Tjiu", from G 2011, debris: Egyptian Museum, Cairo JE 38673. [Image also known as: B7469_NS]
Photographer: Albert Morton Lythgoe
Photo date: 1906
Image published: Edward Brovarski, in Studies in Honor of George R. Hughes, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 39 (Chicago: Oriental Institute, 1976), p. 40, fig. 12, p. 41
VERIFIED: B7469 read: unidentified false door (?) of [GLYPHS]; description corrected by PDM
Non organic / Rock: LimestoneMET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element / False door: Panel
MET 08 : Human / Woman: Daughter of tomb owner
MET 08 : Human / Man: Son of tomb owner
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of body: Standing
MET 06 : General technique / Relief: Engraved relief
MET 06 : General technique: Painted