[[missing key: Photos.met.details-breadcrumb]]
Result 65 of 90
Site: Giza; view: Menkaure valley temple

Photo ID number: C2309_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: Menkaure valley temple
Pottery from Menkaure valley temple, room I 36: top row: I 36-48 (bread mold fragment), I 36-49 (bowl fragment), I 36-50 (bowl fragment); bottom row: I 36-50 (bowl fragment), I 36-51 (two bowl fragments)
Photo date: February 1910
Problems/Questions: top row: I 36-48, I 36-49, I 36-49; bottom row: I 36-51, I 36-51, I 36-50 corrected to read as above based on pencil annotations on mounted print; annotated loose print correctly identifies first item on left in bottom row as I 36-50 and last item on right in bottom row as 36-51; objects not registered (no registration records from this date)
MET 05 : Man made material: Pottery
MET 02 : Receptacle/vessel: Basin
MET 02 : Receptacle/vessel: Unspecified receptacle