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Photo ID number: A5232_NS
Photo Subjects
Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7130-7140
Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7130-7140
Cemetery G 7000: G 7130-7140: G 7140, Khufukhaf I (= Khafkhufu), chapel, room b (= published plan room a, inner chamber), N wall, relief (standing figures of Khufukhaf and his wife), looking N
Cemetery G 7000: G 7130-7140: G 7140, Khufukhaf I (= Khafkhufu), chapel, room b (= published plan room a, inner chamber), N wall, relief (standing figures of Khufukhaf and his wife), looking N
Photographer: Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
Photo date: 08/08/1929
Image published: Reisner, George A. "The Servants of the Ka." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 32, No. 189 (February 1934), cover.
Simpson, William Kelly. The Mastabas of Kawab, Khafkhufu I and II. Giza Mastabas 3. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1978, frontispiece, pl. XXV.
Simpson, William Kelly. The Mastabas of Kawab, Khafkhufu I and II. Giza Mastabas 3. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1978, frontispiece, pl. XXV.
Literature reference: Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte (ASAE) XVI, p. 259
Publications (PDFs) in Giza Archives Library:
Simpson, William Kelly. The Mastabas of Kawab, Khafkhufu I and II. Giza Mastabas 3. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1978.
Reisner, George A. "The Servants of the Ka." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 32, No. 189 (February 1934), pp. 1-12.
Simpson, William Kelly. The Mastabas of Kawab, Khafkhufu I and II. Giza Mastabas 3. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1978.
Reisner, George A. "The Servants of the Ka." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 32, No. 189 (February 1934), pp. 1-12.
description expanded based on Simpson; Simpson reference verified; BMFA reference verified
Non organic / Rock: LimestoneMET 02 : Architecture / Architectural unit / Tomb/mastaba/pyramide, etc.: Chapel
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element: Wall
MET 08 : Vegetation: Flower
MET 08 : Action: Holding
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of arms/hands: Right hand on body
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of body: Standing
MET 08 : Human / Man: Tomb owner
MET 08 : Human / Woman: Tomb owner
MET 08 : Attitude / Attitude of body: Upper part of the body inclined to the front
MET 06 : General technique / Relief: High relief