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Site: Giza; view: G 2370

Photo ID number: B8591_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2370
Senedjemib Complex: pottery: nine (of approximately fourteen) ovoid jars (mended, incomplete) from G 2370 B: 35-7-23: top row: a, b, c; middle row: d, e, f; bottom row: g (= Peabody 5873), h (= MFA 37.2721), i (= MFA 37.2717)
Photo date: 12/23/1935
Image published: E. Brovarski, The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1, The Mastabas of Senedjemib Inti (G 2370), Khnumenti (G 2374), and Senedjemib Mehi (G 2378), Giza Mastabas 7 (Boston, 2001), pl. 57c.

Reisner, George A., and William Stevenson Smith. The Tomb of Hetep-Heres the Mother of Cheops: a Study of Egyptian Civilization in the Old Kingdom. A History of the Giza Necropolis 2. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1955, pl. 55c
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: provenance: originally listed as G 2370 A corrected to read G 2370 B (see Brovarski 2001 p.79 footnote 580 concerning reidentification of shaft from A to B); identification verified based on annotated mounted print and object register; MFA accession numbers verified; Reisner Smith references verified; Brovarski reference verified