Related: Khnumshepses (G 5040)
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  • Site: Giza; View: G 5040
  • Site: Giza; View: G 5040
  • Site: Giza; View: G 5040
  • Site: Giza; View: G 5040
Khnumshepses (G 5040), Male
Also known as:
  • Manuel de Codage:
  • bASpss
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Khnum-shepses
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Ba-shepses
  • Manuel de Codage:
  • xnmwSpss
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Bashepses
  • Primary Name:
  • Khnumshepses
Remarks: Owner (along with Kaemked) of G 5040. Chapel entrance lintel (name not preserved) and false door inscribed for Khnumshepses, identified as [sAb aD-mr nj-nst-xntt Hrj-sStA n wDa-mdw n Hwt-wrt sS pr-aA Hrj-sStA n xtmt-nTr sHD wDa-mdw m swt Spswt pr-aA sHD pr-aA Hrj-sStA nswt m pr-aA] judge and administrator, preeminent of place, secretary of judgements in the Great Court, scribe of the Great House, secretary of the god's treasure, inspector of arbitrators in the august places of the Great House, inspector of the Great House, secretary of the king in the Great House; in situ in G 5040 (south rock-cut offering room).