Related: Ihy (in G 2370)
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Site: Giza; view: G 2370

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  • Site: Giza; view: G 2370
  • Site: Giza; view: G 2370
  • Site: Giza; view: G 2370
Ihy (in G 2370), Male
Also known as:
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Ihi
  • Manuel de Codage:
  • jHjj
  • Primary Name:
  • Ihy
Remarks: Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Senedjemib Inti (owner of G 2370), offering room (= room IV, south wall, bottom register, carrying calf), identified as [xrp sH] director of the dining hall; figure distributed over two adjoining displaced blocks of relief originally from G 2370.