Related: Katep (in Kai 2)
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  • Site: Giza; view: Kai (2)
  • Site: Giza; view: Kai (2)
  • Site: Giza; view: Kai (2)
Katep (in Kai 2), Male
Also known as:
  • Primary Name:
  • Katep
  • Manuel de Codage:
  • k[A]tp
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Tepka
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Katepi
Remarks: Brother ([sn=f] his brother) of Kai (owner of Kai (2), unnumbered mastaba excavated by Schiaparelli). Appears on primary false door (Turin S.1844) of Kai, south inner jamb, third register; found in situ in mastaba of Kai [Kai (2)].