Related Objects
Results 11 to 20 of 16
Sorted AscendingTitleRelated PeopleDate of EntryInv. No.
Fragments of pottery bowl" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-7
Fragments of pottery bowls with recurved rims" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-6
Fragments of pottery dish" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-8
Fragments of pottery neckless shoulder jars" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-5
Site: Giza; view: G 4620, G 4710 Limestone ear" 03/14/191414-3-18
Pottery model dishes" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-10