Related: Fragment of limestone architrave from tomb of Rudj
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Site: Giza; view: G 2360, G 2362

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Object register entry:
Field number: 35-8-76a
Entry date(s): 08/31/1935
Object owner details: MFA accession number: 13.4334d
Fragment of limestone architrave from tomb of Rudj
Findspot: Western Cemetery, Mastaba G 2360, [originally from G 2362]
Expedition Measurements: Width: 60 cm Length: 61 cm Thickness: 15 cm
Description: [One of] three fragments of white limestone relief, joins 35-8-76b, [non-fitting continuation of 12-10-37 face "b"]; sunk relief [inscription, horizontal lines of inscription (including portion of name Niankhhathor) and row of figures in bottom register (named figure: Seshmu (preserved at join in fragments 35-8-76a + 35-8-76b)]. Illustration: Yes with hieroglyphs
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Selected Published References:
Simpson, William Kelly. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery, Part 1: Sekhemka (G 1029); Tjetu I (G 2001); Iasen (G 2196); Penmeru (G 2197); Hagy, Nefertjentet, and Herunefer (G 2352/53); Djaty, Tjetu II, and Nimesti (G 2337X, 2343, 2366). Giza Mastabas 4. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1980, p. 29, note 3.
Remarks: Fragmentary limestone architrave inscribed for Rudj: MFA 13.4334: 12-10-37a (face "a") accessioned as MFA 13.4334a; two fitting fragments 12-10-37b (face "b") accessioned as MFA 13.4334b and MFA 13.4334c. For related fragments see: face "a": 35-8-75a and 35-8-75b; face "b": two fitting fragments 35-8-76a (= MFA 13.4334d) + 35-8-76b (= MFA 13.4334g) and non-fitting fragment 35-8-76c; and two fitting fragments 35-9-7b (= MFA 13.4334e) + 35-9-7c (= MFA 13.4334f); two additional fragments 35-9-7e and 35-9-7f (not MFA owned).
Problems/Questions: MFA accession number verified