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Object register entry:
Field number: 33-4-19
Field number: 33-4-19
Object owner details: In the collection of: Egyptian Museum, Cairo (JE 60541)
Red granite sarcophagus of Seshemnefer II
Findspot: Western Cemetery, Pit G 2200 (= G 5080) B, chamber
Description: Red granite [sarcophagus] of Seshemnefer II; incribed on E face with hetep di nisut Inpu [Htp dj nswt] formula; lid vaulted with end bars.
Illustration: No
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Selected Published References:
Kanawati, Naguib. Tombs at Giza. Seshathetep/Heti (G 5150), Nesutnefer (G 4970) and Seshemnefer II (G 5080), Volume 2. Australian Centre for Egyptology Report 18. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 2002, p. 56.
Kanawati, Naguib. Tombs at Giza. Seshathetep/Heti (G 5150), Nesutnefer (G 4970) and Seshemnefer II (G 5080), Volume 2. Australian Centre for Egyptology Report 18. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 2002, p. 56.