Result 85 of 92

Object register entry:
Field number: 27-5-100
Field number: 27-5-100
Object owner details: MFA accession number: 27.2034
Jewelry: bead anklets
Findspot: Eastern Cemetery, pit G 7440 Z [= G 7442], inside sarcophagus
Description: 27-5-97 through 27-5-102 reserved for: collar, bead garment, two wristlets, two anklets, cloth, and miscellaneous: [27-5-100 = bead anklets; not reconstructed].
Illustration: No
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Remarks: MFA 27.2034 consists of quantity of faience beads left over from reconstruction of beadnet dress (27-5-97 = MFA 27.1548.1) and broadcollar (27-5-98 = MFA 27.1548.2); many originally derived from pair of wristlets (27-5-99) and anklets (27-5-100), which have not been reconstructed.
MFA accession number verified