Result 41 of 97

Object register entry:
Field number: 25-11-54
Field number: 25-11-54
Entry date(s): 11/21/1925
Faience ushabti of Gemhapi
Findspot: Western Cemetery, Mastaba G 6020 (= Lepsius 16), serdab, late debris
Expedition Measurements: Height: 14 cm
Description: One faience ushabti, Type III 2d; molded, retouched, pale blue glaze almost green now, metal and wooden hoes, basket on left shoulder, back lappet, text incised before baking with somewhat blunt point and in places very obscure [GLYPHS], owner's name may be [gmHw-Hapy] Gemho-hepu, mother's name may be Mehti-hasut [mHtj-HAswt], pilaster and pedestal.
Illustration: No
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition