Result 40 of 97

Object register entry:
Field number: 25-11-53b
Field number: 25-11-53b
Entry date(s): 11/21/1925
Faience ushabti of Ba-amen
Findspot: Western Cemetery, Mastaba G 6020, serdab, late debris
Expedition Measurements: Height: 11.4 cm; mean: 11.55 cm
Description: [One of] two faience ushabtis, Type III 2d; molded, not retouched, pale blue glaze, metal and wooden hoes, back lappet marked, inscription and name inscribed with blunt sort of point, [GLYPHS] [Ba-amen, son of Hor, child (born) of Tasheri-ihet], pilaster and pedestal.
Illustration: No
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition