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This object was excavated by the Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition, but was not recorded in any object register book. Excavated by the Harvard University–Museum of Fine Arts Expedition; 1912: assigned to the MFA in the division of finds by the government of Egypt.
Fragment of limestone false door of NeferiFindspot: Western Cemetery, Debris E of mastaba G 2200 (= G 5080), S end
Dimensions/Weight: Legacy dimension: .56 H. .58 W.
Classification: Stele
Description: Fragment (top) of limestone false door of Neferi; tablet: figure of Neferi seated before table of offerings, two lines of incised hieroglyphs above enumerating offerings of a thousand jugs of beer, a thousand loaves of bread, etc; jambs: inscribed in sunk relief (titles and name of Neferi); lintel: inscribed for venerated one Neferi; belongs with 12.1498, 12.1515.
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Remarks: Fragmentary (incomplete) false door of Neferi: MFA 12.1393 + MFA 12.1498 + MFA 12.1515