Related: Fragment of basalt pilaster from Khufu Pyramid Temple
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Site: Giza; view: Khufu Pyramid Temple

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  • Site: Giza; view: Khufu Pyramid Temple
Fragment of basalt pilaster from Khufu Pyramid Temple
Findspot: Khufu Pyramid Complex, Khufu Pyramid Temple
Classification: Architectural elements
Description: Frammento dell'estremita' superiore di uno dei pilastri monolitici del tempio funerario della piramide di Cheope. Basalt fragment of top of monolithic pilaster from funerary temple of Khufu.
Selected Published References:
Curto, Silvio. Gli Scavi Italiani a el-Ghiza (1903). Rome: Centro Per Le Antichitá E La Storia Dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente, 1993, p. 11.
Problems/Questions: Problem: is this basalt or granite ?