Related: Limestone slab stela of Setju
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Object register entry:
Field number: 12-12-130
Entry date(s): 12/11/1912
Object owner details: MFA accession number: 13.4341
Limestone slab stela of Setju
Findspot: Western Cemetery, Pit G 2352 B
Description: Limestone stela of [GLYPHS] Setju, type of Khufu stela but only figure and name in relief, rest incised, line of inscription above table and seated figure [GLYPHS]. Illustration: No
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Selected Published References:
Brovarski, Edward. "Inventory Offering Lists and the Nomenclature for Boxes and Chests in the Old Kingdom." In Emily Teeter and John A. Larson, eds. Gold of Praise. Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 58. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1999, p. 28, note 2. Jánosi, Peter. "Der Tote vor dem Opfertisch. Die Opferplatten von Giza. Besprechung des Buches Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis von Peter Der Manuelian." Sokar 10 (1. Halbjahr 2005), p. 23, note 10. Manuelian, Peter Der. Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis. Publications of the Pennsylvania–Yale Expedition to Egypt 7. New Haven and Philadelphia: Peabody Museum of Natural History of Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2003, p. 170, fig. 256. Manuelian, Peter Der. "A Case of Prefabrication at Giza? The False Door of Inti." Journal of the American Research Center In Egypt 35 (1998), p. 119, note 13. Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, p. 84. Simpson, William Kelly. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery, Part 1: Sekhemka (G 1029); Tjetu I (G 2001); Iasen (G 2196); Penmeru (G 2197); Hagy, Nefertjentet, and Herunefer (G 2352/53); Djaty, Tjetu II, and Nimesti (G 2337X, 2343, 2366). Giza Mastabas 4. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1980, p. 35, pl. LXIa, fig. 47. Smith, William Stevenson. "The Coffin of Prince Min-Khaf."Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 19 (1933), p. 154. Smith, William Stevenson. "The Old Kingdom Linen List." Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 71 (1935), p. 135.
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