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Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381

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  • Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381
  • Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381
  • Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381
Object register entry:
Field number: 13-1-558i
Entry date(s): December 1912 - January 1913
Object owner details: MFA accession numbers:
Fragments of limestone relief from tomb of Nekhebu
Findspot: Western Cemetery, [G 2382] [(originally thought to be a tomb, but now known to be a jumbled deposit of limestone blocks from other nearby tombs)], [Senedjemib complex] court, [originally from G 2381]
Description: Miscellaneous fragments of [various] limestone [reliefs]: [i) one fragment depicting torso of standing male figure (facing left), one fragment depicting upper torso of seated male figure (Nekhebu) (facing right), three fragments with marsh plants, one fragment with marsh plants and crocodile snout, one fragment with marsh plants and part of reed boat and crocodile, one fragment with part of reed boat and catfish, two joining fragments with part of reed boat and hippopotamus and fish, one fragment depicting small scale seated male figure (facing right)]. Illustration: No
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Remarks: A quantity of relief fragments originally from G 2381, with unknown object registration numbers have been arbitrarily assigned this number (13-1-558). MFA 13.5834 (overall): aging Nekhebu kneeling in boat in marshes; consists of two blocks (13-1-553 and 13-1-556j) and two fragments (original registration number unknown, assigned 13-1-558i); two fragments assigned 13-1-558i accessioned as MFA 13.5834.1, MFA 13.5834.3. MFA 13.5946: one fragment (original registration unknown assigned 13-1-558i) with marsh plants and crocodile snout; possibly related to MFA 13.5834. MFA 13.5947: one fragment (original registration unknown assigned 13-1-558i) with marsh plants; possibly related to MFA 13.5834. MFA 13.5948: one fragment (original registration unknown assigned 13-1-558i) with part of reed boat and catfish; possibly related to MFA 13.5834. MFA 13.5952: one fragment (original registration unknown assigned 13-1-558i) with marsh plants; possibly related to MFA 13.5834. MFA 13.5953: one fragment (original registration unknown assigned 13-1-558i) with marsh plants, part of reed boat and crocodile; possibly related to MFA 13.5834. MFA 13.5976: one fragment (original registration unknown assigned 13-1-558i) with marsh plants; possibly related to MFA 13.5834. MFA 13.5977 + MFA 13.5978: two joining fragments (original registration number unknown, assigned 13-1-558i) depicting small portion of standing figure in boat (only foot preserved) and hippopotamus and fish in water below; possibly related to MFA 13.5834. MFA 13.6037: one fragment (13-1-558) depicting small scale seated male figure (facing right); possibly related to MFA 13.5834.
Problems/Questions: MFA accession numbers verified