Related: Fragments of red granite drum lintel of Seshatsekhentiu
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Site: Giza; view: G 2120

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  • Site: Giza; view: G 2120
Object register entry:
Field number: 38-3-11
Entry date(s): 03/07/1938
Fragments of red granite drum lintel of Seshatsekhentiu
Findspot: Western Cemetery, Mastaba G 2120, debris low down in front of slab stela
Expedition Measurements: Height: inscribed fragment: 27 cm Length: longest uninscribed fragment: 38 cm; inscribed fragment: 24 cm Thickness: inscribed fragment: 10+ cm
Description: Many fragments of red granite drum [lintel, originally inscribed for Seshatsekhentiu]; two with incised hieroglyphs [sSAt-sxntjw]. Illustration: Yes with hieroglyphs
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Selected Published References:
Manuelian, Peter Der. Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis. Publications of the Pennsylvania–Yale Expedition to Egypt 7. New Haven and Philadelphia: Peabody Museum of Natural History of Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2003, p. 79, fig. 106.