Result 8 of 42

Object register entry:
Field number: 25-2-1015
Field number: 25-2-1015
Entry date(s): 02/25/1925
Faience ushabti
Findspot: Eastern Cemetery, G 7610+7620: pit G 7610 P, [originally from G 7509 E]
Expedition Measurements: Height: 6.6 cm; [size A: 7.3 - 8.5 cm, mean: 7.7 cm; size B: 6.8 - 7.4 cm, mean: 7.2 cm; size C: 6.1 - 6.9 cm, mean 6.5 cm; size D: 5.8 - 6.2 cm, mean: 6 cm; size E: 5 - 5.5 cm, mean: 5.3 cm; size F: 4.1 - 5.5 cm, mean: 4.3 cm]
Description: Faience ushabti, [generally Type III 2d (but no case occurs where details all present) (probably very late Ptolemaic)] (part of group of 294+ ushabtis including 25-2-1015, 25-2-1078, 25-2-1079); this ushabti (25-2-1015) size C, intact; [combined: roughly hand formed (many nearly shapeless), soft-baked very coarse crystalline paste, core nearly white, glaze poor quality and mostly fallen away or decayed, figure usually squat and thick and misformed, back flat, possibly cut with blade, face round, beard long and straight, front lappets a little longer, cloth over head full and bulging, uninscribed; classified according to height into six sizes (A - F): intact: size A = 16, size B = 25, size C = 65, size D = 36, size E = 5, size F = 3, (total intact = 150); mended: size A = 17, size B = 21, size C = 7, size D = 4, size E = 1, size F = 0, (total mended = 50); fragments: sizes A and B (combined) = 77+, sizes C, D, E (combined) = 17+ (total fragments = 94+)].
Illustration: No
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition