Related: Primary limestone false door of Kai
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Site: Giza; view: Kai (2)

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  • Site: Giza; view: Kai (2)
  • Site: Giza; view: Kai (2)
  • Site: Giza; view: Kai (2)
  • Site: Giza; view: Kai (2)
Primary limestone false door of Kai
Findspot: Eastern Cemetery, Mastaba of Kai (2)
Classification: False Doors
Description: Primary limestone false door of Kai; inner and outer jambs decorated in registers of figures (all names not preserved) with bottom registers depicting offering stands; Kai represented at top of south inner jamb, identified as "one revered before his lord"; on outer south jamb named figures include: [...]ai (name and figure only partially preserved), Rudj, Iusau; on south inner jamb named figures include: Katep and Iset, Nedjem and Nedjemi; on north outer jamb named figures include: [...]tju (name and figure only partially preserved), Seneb, Bebib; on north inner jamb named figures include: possibly Sekhi (name and figure only partially preserved), Perwy, Rudjka. // Falsa porta principale della Mastaba di Kai. La decorazione e' disposta in registri orizzontali sui montanti della porta. Sullo stipite interno sinistro, in alto, e' rappresentato il defunto: "il privilegiato presso il suo signore, Kai."
Selected Published References:
Curto, Silvio. Gli Scavi Italiani a el-Ghiza (1903). Rome: Centro Per Le Antichitá E La Storia Dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente, 1993, pp. 46-47-48, fig. 12, pl. XII.