Related: Strip of bronze
Result 210 of 211
Site: Giza; view: street G 7000, street G 7500, street G 7200, avenue G 0, avenue G 2, G 7812, G 7310-7320, G 7130-7140, avenue G 1

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  • Site: Giza; view: street G 7000, street G 7500, street G 7200, avenue G 0, avenue G 2, G 7812, G 7310-7320, G 7130-7140, avenue G 1
Object register entry:
Field number: 24-11-554
Entry date(s): 11/15/1924
Strip of bronze
Findspot: Eastern Cemetery, [Avenue G 1], N of subsidiary pyramid G I-b
Expedition Measurements: Width: 1.45 cm; strip: .2 cm Length: 2.4 cm; strip: .5 cm
Description: Strip of bronze with ends bent to meet each other, possibly shaft of chisel (?); rectangular section. Illustration: Yes. Illustration scale: 1:1
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition