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Site: Giza; view: G 2381

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  • Site: Giza; view: G 2381
Object register entry:
Field number: 12-12-570
Entry date(s): 12/31/1912
Object owner details: MFA accession number: 13.2932
Pottery combed ware jar with mud stopper impressed with cartouche of Pepi II
Findspot: Western Cemetery, Pit G 2381 A, [chamber] (___ corrected to read 418)
Pottery, mud
Expedition Measurements: Height: 50 cm Width: 29 cm; handles: 4 cm
Description: Large pottery two-handled [combed ware] jar (cf. 12-12-569), [Type B LIV], with large mud stopper with cylinder seal impression [GLYPHS] (impression includes cartouche of Pepi). Illustration: Yes with hieroglyphs
Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
Selected Published References:
Brovarski, Edward. The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1: The Mastabas of Senedjemib Inti (G 2370), Khnumenti (G 2374), and Senedjemib Mehi (G 2378). Giza Mastabas 7. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 2001, p. 34. Reisner, George A., and William Stevenson Smith. The Tomb of Hetep-Heres the Mother of Cheops: a Study of Egyptian Civilization in the Old Kingdom. A History of the Giza Necropolis 2. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1955, p. 76; seal p. 54 (misidentified as 12-12-571), fig. 54 (mislabeled 12-12-571).
Problems/Questions: MFA accession number verified based on comparison with object