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Display page dates: 02/01/1940

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 5

Thursday, February 1, 1940 (continued)

(1) G 2435 (continued)
G 2435 C: In shaft and chamber. Ends in limestone filling. Lined with masonry. West of X and north of G 2428. Total depth 1.75 meters. Sand, ruksh and stones. Chamber on west. Only the north and west walls are built of masonry. Roofed with slabs. No blocking. Cleared.


G 2435 X: At south end of space between G 2430 and G 2435, against G 2421. Ends in limestone filling. Lined with masonry. Total depth 1.43 meters. Sand, ruksh, rubble, stones. Chamber on north built of slabs and masonry, roofed with slabs. No blocking. The slabs are inscribed and have relief. Removed the two inscribed slabs forming the roof, found on January 5, 1940. Chamber cleared.


G 2435 Y: In shaft and chamber. Shaft, lined with mixed rubble and crude brick ends in limestone filling. North of X and south of Z. Total depth 2.83 meters. Sand, ruksh, rubble, stones and dirt. Chamber on north. North wall is of masonry above, crude brick below. Roofed with slabs. No blocking. Cleared.


microfilm: end page 5

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