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Display page dates: 11/06/1912; 11/07/1912; 11/08/1912
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 32
Wednesday, November 6, 1912 (continued)
[G 2370 (continued)]
west wall appears to be a serdab. A hole has been broken in the wall of the hall of pillars in the direction of the serdab, and the south end of the roof of the serdab has been broken open. In the hole in the wall, found a copper jar [12-11-20b] (small). [ILLUSTRATION] H[eight] = 6.5 cm
In front of G 2350 [= G 5290], in a serdab, a limestone head small male statuette [12-11-21].
On top of mound west of Lepsius 24 [= G 2100-I], another head from a pair of statuette [12-11-22] (limestone).
Ranke to dinner.
Thursday, November 7, 1912
Work concentrated on G 2370. In sand along middle of north wall of hall of columns, a small faience figure of Bast [12-11-23] (H[eight] 5 cm) of late date.
News of Wilson's election to Presidency.
Friday, November 8, 1912
Work on G 2370.
Started second dump out to north along eastern edge.
microfilm: begin page 32
End of Diary Transcription
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