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Display page dates: 10/27/1912; 10/28/1912; 10/29/1912; 10/30/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 24

Sunday, October 27, 1912 (continued)

[part of fragmentary architrave inscribed for Rudj, originally from G 2362, 12-10-37 face "b", horizontal lines of inscription, including names Nemtetites and Neferkhenit, and portion of name Ikauhormerut, and row of standing figures at bottom, several identified as Satmeret, Ahi, Iri, Senetites; see B1639]

In the afternoon, Ranke and Wellcome, both to dinner. Ranke is to work at Tell Amarna.

Monday, October 28, 1912

Day of rest.
Cold weather, northeast wind. Minimum temperature, 16 degrees C.

Tuesday, October 29, 1912

Cold continues. Wind shifting to northwest. Minimum temperature 16 degrees C, maximum 22 degrees C.

Work went on clearing space between G 2330 [= G 5380], G 2335, G 2360, filled with intrusive pits. Clearing also northern end of space between G 2360 and G 2370.

Wednesday, October 30, 1912

Cold continues, wind shifted to a little south of west. Minimum temperature 14 degrees C.

microfilm: end page 24

End of Diary Transcription
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