Result 20 of 76

Display page dates: 12/04/1912; 12/05/1912; 12/06/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 50

Wednesday, December 4, 1912 (continued)

[G 2382 (continued)]
6.2 cm, and an alabaster pot [12-12-12] [ILLUSTRATION] H[eight] 9 cm.

In hole 2 (G 2382) a mass of stones with the head of a statuette [12-12-15] and a headless statuette [12-12-14].

In G 2381 (hole 2 south), the head of a limestone statuette [12-12-16], four rough alabaster saucers [12-12-17], a flint [12-12-18] [ILLUSTRATION], and the arm of a statue [12-12-19]. Head of a gazelle in hole, and fragment of a diorite table [12-12-20] [GLYPHS] [Nekhebu]

Thursday, December 5, 1912

Cleared sand to front of Senedem-ib=Mehy [Senedjemib Mehi = Lepsius 26 = G 2378].
In hole 1 north, found head [12-12-22] of limestone statuette [12-12-14] of yesterday, and obelisk [12-12-23] of [GLYPHS] [Nekhebu].
Cleared out all inscribed blocks from holes 1 and 2 so far as possible. Stone from Senedem-ib=Inty [Senedjemib Inti = Lepsius 27 = G 2370] left on debris before door still cover inscribed stone from other tombs.
In front of Lepsius 27 [= G 2370] are stones of Mehy.

Next to Mehy is an offering room with a stela of [GLYPHS] [Iku] (G 2383). The floor is covered with 10 cm of ashes. In this are fragments of a limestone table.

Friday, December 6, 1912

Cleared debris and rest of sand to Mehy.

Started clearing in front of G 2381 (to be G 2384).

Clearing top of G 2377 (west of Mehy).

microfilm: end page 50

End of Diary Transcription
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