Result 10 of 24

Display page dates: 10/24/1915; 10/25/1915; 10/26/1915

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 17

Sunday, October 24, 1915
day 2

(1) Clearing streets in north Cemetery
(2) Clearing north of G 2196 - G 2197
(3) Laying railroad finished

Monday, October 25, 1915
day 3

(1) clearing hard debris and exposing pits north of G 2196-G 2197
(2) G 5130
Pit (2) A and B in G 5130. G 5130 A went down 10.5 meters. G 5130 B 3.5 meters.
A all sand, bones, B of miscellaneous small birds, at 10.5 top of hard debris.
B 1.5 meters sand. B 1.5 - 3.5 meters, red gravel with limestone fragments.

Tuesday, October 26, 1915
day 4


microfilm: end page 17

End of Diary Transcription
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