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Display page dates: 11/01/1912; 11/02/1912; 11/03/1912
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 28
Friday, November 1, 1912 (continued)
[G 2320 A = G 5280 A (continued)]
(3) A broken cylindrical bead, blue faience [12-11-4c]. [ILLUSTRATION]
(4) A large cylindrical bead, blue faience [12-11-4b]. [ILLUSTRATION]
(5) A double cone bead, carnelian [12-11-4a]. [ILLUSTRATION]
The Balkan war has occupied our interest during the last fortnight. Today news of the defeat of the main Turkish army by the Bulgarians after a two days battle seems to foreshadow the end of Turkey in Europe. No one can foretell at present the end of this war, or its effect on Europe. No can any further plans be made for archaeological work in Turkey (Samaria) until a settlement has been reached. What will be the fate of the Ottoman Museum in Constantinople?
Saturday, November 2, 1912
Work continues on G 2360, G 2350 [= G 5290], and at north end of G 2350 [= G 5290].
[SIGN] In the upper part of B, a burial on back.
Sunday, November 3, 1912
Work on G 2360 pits, G 2365 pit, G 2350 [= G 5290] pit A still going on. The greater part of the men were shifted to a place north of G 2350 [= G 5290] in from of G 2197.
microfilm: end page 28
End of Diary Transcription
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