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Display page dates: 04/11/1912; 04/12/1912
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 94
Thursday, April 11, 1912 (continued)
[G 2197 (continued)]
chamber is an unusual inscription part of an ancient decree or contract
endowing the foundation by which Pen-meru, apparently a descendant of Nefer-hotep [Neferhetep], claimed the funerary priesthood of Seshem-nefer [Seshemnefer].
Seshem-nefer is the name of the owner of mastaba G 2200 [= G 5080] and of the original of the granite head.
Friday, April 12, 1912
All hands clearing G 2196, G 2197 and to the north and east. The serdab was photographed.
microfilm: end page 94
End of Diary Transcription
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