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Display page dates: 09/20/1935; 09/21/1935; 09/22/1935

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 125

Friday, September 20, 1935 (continued)

(1) G 2184 (continued)
G 2184 X: In shaft. Sand, stones and dubsh. Total depth 2.85 meters. Not reached the rock in shaft. Ended at rock. No chamber.

ATITO [Attito Mahmud] left for Quft.

Saturday, September 21, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2184 C, D
(2) G 2185

(1) G 2184
G 2184 C: In shaft. Total depth 5.3 meters. White limestone debris. Chamber blocked with one stone and bound with mud. Reached the rock in shaft. Blocking left for photo.

G 2184 D: In shaft. Down 3.85 meters. Limestone debris, dubsh, stones, broken mud brick and black debris. Not reached the rock in shaft. Chamber II not exposed.

(2) G 2185
On top of the mastaba and south and west. It is north of G 2190. East of G 2184. Lined with stones and dubsh. On west lined with mud brick. Exposed the shafts A, B, C, D, E, V, W, X [G 2185 V = G 2464a A].

Sunday, September 22, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2184 D, E

(1) G 2184
G 2184 D: In shaft and chambers. Total depth 6.1 meters. Stones, dubsh, broken mud brick and black debris. Two chambers appear. Chamber II and III.
Chamber II. On west. Cut in rock. No blocking. Found in shaft debris: head and broken bones of a body.
Chamber III. On west. Cut in rock. No blocking. Clear all the chambers. Drawing.


G 2184 E: In shaft. Lined with dubsh above and rock below. It is north of D. It is the on the end of the mastaba on northwest. Down 3.4 meters. Excavated before 1.1 meters. White limestone debris, dubsh and stones. The first of chamber I appear on west. Cut in rock. No blocking. Not reached the rock in shaft.

microfilm: end page 125

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Attito Mahmud el-Nahi
MFA Document