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Display page dates: 03/01/1912; 03/02/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 50

Friday, March 1, 1912 (continued)

of IX 5 [= G 2184], and along face of mastabas e G 2200 [= G 5080] and d G 2190.
At + in front of north end of mastaba b3 [= G 2170], we found just before sunset a broken chamber beautifully cut in relief [GLYPHS] [Khnumnefer] son's name [GLYPHS] [Menkaure-weser] (G 2175).

Work on pit in Lepsius 23 [= G 2000] goes so slowly that I have bought a winch to clear with. There is still no sign of a doorway. A small hole dug by plunderers descends through the hard debris in the southwest corner of the pit.

Saturday, March 2, 1912

Mastaba of Khnum-nefer [Khnumnefer] [GLYPHS] is part of the mastaba of Nedju. [GLYPHS] Plate above niche. Seated figs, etc. Flat bar under plate. [GLYPHS]

microfilm: end page 50

End of Diary Transcription
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