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Display page dates: 01/21/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 19

Sunday, January 21, 1912 (continued)

occupation period, and a number of mud brick pits and smaller masonry tombs are showing between the large regular series of mastabas. The latter have been numbered thus [original plans do not agree with this illustration?]


IX 2 [= G 2130] is the mastaba cleared by Lythgoe. It has beautifully finished faces of white sandstone. VIII 2 [= G 2120] has the pit (opened) sloped.


At A [northeast of G 2140] a broken sandstone figure of man standing. At B a number of fragments of a fine large alabaster statue in the debris above the pits between the mastaba [= G 2150] and VIII 3 [= G 2140]. More fragments were found in sand opposite (south) IX 4 [= G 2170].
Photographs showing progress of work at this point taken from northeast and west sides. Also detail photographs of work at pits between VIII 3 [= G 2140] and IX 3 [= G 2150] and at south end of VIII 4 [= G 2160].

Dr. Junker has returned to Cairo and proposes to work on the German concession between Lepsius 23 and where we had begun on Schiaparelli area. He has no railroad and proposes

microfilm: end page 19

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